New website

Written by Freddy Arntsen.

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We are finally ready with a new website.

The site is not 100% finished and we will work on it in the future. New things will be added to the site on an ongoing basis.
Should there be any small issues around the page that we have overlooked, we would be happy if you send a little hint to us on our mail.

Our customer page is still not quite ready to be opened right now, but we will write to you when we are ready here on the page, or by email.
Should there be special requests for what should be on our website of information, we will do everything to make this possible.

So be a little patient just a little bit more, then we are ready to service you via our website as well

Scantec on New webhotel

Written by Freddy Arntsen.

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We are changing our web hotel this weekend.

We moved a lot this summer. Not just physically but also digitally. Now it is the digital part of the company that has to be moved to a new (web) hotel.

In order not to disturb the correspondence with our customers. The relocation of the web hotel will start this weekend of 11-13. September 2020.

If all goes according to plan, we expect to be on the air again by Monday morning (Local time), September 14, 2020.

Should any problems or delays occur, we apologize for the inconvenience. If you have an urgent matter during this period, contact us by phone

phone : +47 760 94 700
cell icon 01 : +47 922 50 950

logo Scantec 2020 transparent

SCANTEC A/S  ·  Ole Deviks vei 35  ·  N-0668 Oslo  ·  Norway  ·  P: +47 760 94 700  ·  C: +47 922 50 950  ·  E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.